How did uneducated fishermen, a tax collector, and other assorted nobodies turn into world-changing spiritual powerhouses?

Yesterday, Jesus died on the cross. His followers were dumbfounded. One of them broke down in tears saying, “I deserve the death penalty, but not him. It should have been me.” It just didn’t seem real. Over and over they repeated the details, trying to make sense of these horrible events.

Jesus executed? Why him? His teachings were filled with love. And now what? What should they do?

Suddenly Jesus’ words penetrated their disordered minds, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” His amazing words, gasped through excruciating pain, gripped their hearts.

They tried to talk it through, but their anguished minds could hardly fathom the concepts. Forgiveness?!? Jesus was executed as a common criminal; this was just wrong. He was without sin; he didn’t deserve this – it was unfair beyond words.

Weren’t some sins unforgivable? Obviously not – Jesus spoke forgiveness to the very ones who inflicted such unbearable pain on him. And if this is forgiven, then anything can be forgiven. Anything, anything…

Their thoughts were a confusing jumble, their emotions raw. Unimaginable grief and anger at the injustice twisted their hearts. This was the most horrific event imaginable – and they had to forgive?

The discussion grew more heated, the pressure intensified, and someone jumped to his feet shouting, “Crucify them! Crucify everyone responsible for this.”

Then another person remembers that John called Jesus: “The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” The sins of the world? But, weren’t they themselves part of the world? Then the sudden, gut-wrenching realization, “My sins also caused this.” They knew sin is hideous and causes devastation in people’s lives, so there could be no excusing or minimizing. There must be justice.

Then it dawned on them, it was for them, the sacrificial Lamb of God paid for their own sins, as well as the sins of the world.

It is simple: Humans are guilty as charged and the sentence is death. Here and now the death penalty is executed for all mankind. The law is fulfilled – yet love paid the debt.

But, could they actually forgive? Crunch time. Platitudes won’t work here. Rage on one side, and Jesus’ call to forgiveness on the other side. Polite niceness sure is not going to cut it this time. Mercy for those sinners? That’s everybody! Emotional overload. Anger and resentment surged alongside personal regret and remorse. Shame! Blame! Revenge! Guilt!

All have sinned, all have sinned, all have sinned – the reality of this pounded on them like a hailstorm.

Personally, they deserved to die, and all their friends and family were in the same boat. In fact, every person was under the death penalty hoping for a temporary stay of execution, a little longer before judgment.

Remembered teachings swirled in their thoughts: God is love, so love one another. Jesus’ instructions weighed heavily on them: “Forgive so your heavenly Father will forgive you” and “you will reap what you sow.” This is overwhelming!

What do they want: Punishment or Transformation? They knew they better choose carefully because it would be measured right back at them.

~ ~ ~

However, the story was just beginning. They had gone down to the depths, now the heights of hope began to unfold.

They were surprised when Jesus came back from the dead. Actually, that does not describe their responses. Call it: astonished, blown away, incredulous, staggered, mind-boggled, speechless, fall-on-the-floor in amazement, thunderstruck.

Here was the deal: Jesus was beaten, mocked, tortured, and killed even though he had done nothing wrong. Then he walked out of the grave, loving and laughing, calling us to awaken and trust the most high God. He promised a new kind of life. He delivered.

Healing in the most extreme! He lived in perfect agreement with the Father to the core of his being; and so, God exalted him to the utmost. The grave could not hold Jesus; it’s just impossible to kill God’s kind of love.

Christ came back transfigured forever – we can’t imagine the celebration! It must have rocked the neighborhood.

~ ~ ~

Jesus faced our sin problem head-on and took the unimaginable punishment. When Jesus said, “It is finished,” he really meant it. Humanity’s sin debt is entirely paid-in-full to the ultimate completion. One blameless man died to ransom all people.

They began to grasp that God forgives while we are yet in our sins, while we are rebellious and ungodly. God put forgiveness on the table for “whosoever” would receive it by really believing in Christ Jesus.

They began to grasp what real belief in Christ is all about. It is to agree thoroughly with God’s ways and want his love to saturate every relationship.

They began to grasp that their heart’s desire must be forgiveness and transformation for everyone.

~ ~ ~

The cross of Christ was encountered in a way that blew away strife, causing it to cease from their minds and hearts. Face-to-face with the breathtaking power of the resurrected Christ – their minds awakened.

Eager anticipation blazed in them, and envy was annihilated. How could they ever again envy their neighbors? They were personal friends with Christ. Nothing else mattered anymore.

They forgave everyone, even their worst enemies who inflicted the deepest hurts and wrongs. Their hearts opened as they let God’s truth remake their identity. Newness of life! Springtime blossomed around them, and finally within them.

As the Holy Spirit filled them, they were not only all together, but also of one accord, shouting a resounding “yes” to the way of Christ. Forgiven and forgiving, restored and restoring, and now empowered by the sweet Spirit of God.

They saw the glory of God in the face of Jesus. And now, although he was no longer nearby, his wondrous light began to dwell within, transforming them. Rooted and grounded in love, Christ came alive in them, unleashing the delicious flow of living water.

Christ’s followers spent the rest of their lives telling everyone the good news. But how could they put their experience into words? Ordinary words failed, so their writings use superlatives: Exceeding goodness, unequalled treasure, and supreme richness – all to convey the joy of life within Christ.

The ministry of reconciliation was embraced wholeheartedly. Hope for the hopeless, forgiveness for the doomed, purity for the defiled – a new kind of aliveness. Every person was invited to join God’s family, feast at his party, rest in his love, flourish in his nurturing, and grow strong in his wisdom.

~ ~ ~

Now it’s our turn. Though our problems are huge, the solution is simple. Christ’s cross can become for us the end of all strife; and his resurrection can become for us the end of all envy. This may sound abstract, yet it’s dynamically effective when fully applied. We will explore these ideas in coming chapters.

We can walk hand-in-hand with Christ who healed the sick and raised the dead, and promised us we could do even more amazing things. Christ has all we could ever desire and offers it freely to us.

Christ wants to give us something utterly beyond human limitations – transformation. When scripture speaks of this, it uses the term metamorphosis, the same word for the change from caterpillar into butterfly. This same word was also translated “transfiguration” when Jesus revealed himself in a blaze of glory on the mountaintop. All this is available to us!

We can become the merciful who obtain life-giving mercy, fountains of hope, overflowing with provision, securely protected, blessed beyond measure. We can awaken and be energized, revitalized, and unstoppable. Christ’s presence is so glorious and powerful that it will utterly change us. We’ll be overjoyed to follow him.

God’s fierce love tore aside our flimsy excuses and hopeless tears. This grace flies in the face of justice, yet fulfills it. Grace triumphs, exults victoriously, and roars out a joyous “Hallelujah” over hopeless situations. Let’s give our entire lives to Christ, fully trusting his ways.

Copyright © 2009-2014. First Printed in “The Dynamics of Grace” ©2009. All Rights reserved.